Notable Papers

Paper published in Advances in Water Resources:

"On the attribution of annual maximum discharge across the conterminous United States," Advances in Water Resources, Published January 2023.


Paper published in Nature Climate Change:

"Humans, climate and streamflow,” Nature Climate Change, Published January 2021.


In press

  1. Amorim, R., G. Villarini, W. Veatch, and K. White, Reduced and more fragmented Mississippi River navigability by rising flow, Geophysical Research Letters, 2023 (in press).
  1. Islam, S., G. Villarini, and W. Zhang, Quantification of the role of urbanization in changing the rainfall associated with tropical cyclones affecting Charlotte, North Carolina, Urban Climate, 2023 (in press).
  1. Villarini G., D. Treppiedi, and L.V. Noto, Sensitivity of the SIMulation-EXtrapolation (SIMEX) methodology to mis-specification of the statistical properties of the measurement errors, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2023 (in press).
  1. Li, X., J. Ghosh, and G. Villarini, A comparison of Bayesian multivariate versus univariate regression models for prediction in moderate dimensional model, The American Statistician, 2023 (in press).


  1. Michalek, A., G. Villarini, T. Kim, F., Quintero, W.F. Krajewski, and E. Scoccimarro, Evaluation of CMIP6 HighResMIP for hydrologic modeling of annual maximum discharge in Iowa, Water Resources Research, 59, 1-18, 2023.
  1. Kraft, L., G. Villarini, and J. Czajkowski, Characterizing the 2019 Midwest flood: A hydrologic and socio-economic perspective, Weather, Climate, and Society, 15(3), 603-617, 2023.
  1. Michalek, A., F. Quintero, G. Villarini, and W.F. Krajewski, Projected changes in annual maximum discharge for Iowa communities, Journal of Hydrology, 625, 1-8, 2023.
  1. Li, X., J. Ghosh, and G. Villarini, Bayesian negative binomial regression model with unobserved covariates for predicting the frequency of North Atlantic tropical storms, Journal of Applied Statistics, 50(9), 2014-2035, 2023.
  1. Slater, L.J., L. Arnal, M.-A. Boucher, A. Y.-Y. Chang, S. Moulds, C. Murphy, G. Nearing, G. Shalev, C. Shen, L. Speight, G. Villarini, R.L. Wilby, A. Wood, and M. Zappa, Hybrid forecasting: Blending climate predictions with AI models, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 27, 1865-1889, 2023.
  1. Kim, T., G. Villarini, H. Kim., R. Jane, and T. Wahl, On the compounding of nitrate loads and discharge, Journal of Environmental Quality, 52(3), 706-717, 2023.
  1. Su, Y., J.A. Smith, and G. Villarini, Extreme convective rainfall and flooding from winter season extratropical cyclones in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 24(3), 497-520, 2023.
  1. Yang, Z., W. Zhang, and G. Villarini, Impact of coronavirus-driven reduction in aerosols on precipitation in the western United States, Atmospheric Research, 288, 1-7, 2023.
  1. Kim, H., G. Villarini, R. Jane, T. Wahl, S. Misra, and A. Michalek, On the generation of high-resolution probabilistic design events capturing the joint occurrence of rainfall and storm surge in coastal basins, International Journal of Climatology, 43(2), 761-771, 2023.
  1. Su, Y., J.A. Smith, and G. Villarini, The hydrometeorology of extreme floods in the Lower Mississippi River, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 24(2), 203-219, 2023.
  1. Rashid, M., T. Wahl, G. Villarini, and A. Sharma, Fluvial flood losses in the contiguous United States under climate change, Earth's Future, 11(2), 1-14, 2023.
  1. Kemter, M., N. Marwan, G. Villarini, and B. Merz, Controls on flood trends across the United States, Water Resources Research, 59(2), 1-21, 2023.
  1. Ayers, J., G. Villarini, Y. Tramblay, and H. Kim, Observed changes in monthly baseflow across Africa, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 68(1), 108-118, 2023.
  1. Denniston, R.F., C.C. Ummenhofer, K. Emanuel, R. Ingrosso, F.S.R. Pausata, A.D. Wanamaker, M.S. Lachniet, K.T. Carr, Y. Asmerom, V.J. Polyak, J. Nott, W. Zhang, G. Villarini, J. Cugley, D. Brooks, D. Woods, and W.F. Humphreys, Sensitivity of northwest Australian tropical cyclone activity to ITCZ migration since CE 500, Science Advances, 9(2), 1-10, 2023.
  1. Kim, H., and G. Villarini, On the attribution of annual maximum discharge across the conterminous United States, Advances in Water Resources, 171, 1-13, 2023.


  1. Tramblay, Y., G. Villarini, M. Saidi, C. Massari, and L. Stein, Classification of flood-generating processes in Africa, Scientific Reports, 12, 1-9, 2022.
  1. Quintero, F., G. Villarini, A.F. Prein, W. Zhang, and W.F. Krajewski, Discharge and floods projected to increase more than precipitation extremes, Hydrological Processes, 36(11), 1-12, 2022.
  1. Ekolu, J., B. Dieppois, M. Sidibe, J.M. Eden, Y. Tramblay, G. Villarini, D. Peña-Angulo, G. Mahé, J.-E. Paturel, C. Onyutha, and M. van de Wiel, Long-term variability in hydrological droughts and floods in sub-Saharan Africa: New perspectives from a 65-year daily streamflow dataset, Journal of Hydrology, 613A, 1-17, 2022.
  1. Quintero, F., G. Villarini, A.F. Prein, W.F. Krajewski, and W. Zhang, On the role of atmospheric simulations horizontal grid spacing for flood modeling, Climate Dynamics, 59, 3167-3174, 2022.
  1. Michalek, A., F. Quintero, G. Villarini, and W.F. Krajewski, Advantages of physically based flood frequency analysis with long-term simulations for Iowa, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 27(12), 1-11, 2022.
  1. Veatch, W., and G. Villarini, Modeling riverine flood seasonality with mixtures of circular probability density functions, Journal of Hydrology, 613, 1-11, 2022.
  1. Kim, H., and G. Villarini, Evaluation of the Analysis of Record for Calibration (AORC) rainfall across Louisiana, Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3284, 2022.
  1. Ren, M., G. Villarini, B. Pang, Z. Xu, L. Du, and Y. Wang, Hydrological response in a highly urbanized watershed in China, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 13(5), 2171-2187, 2022.
  1. Zhang, J., C. Lu, W. Crumpton, C. Jones, H. Tian, G. Villarini, K. Schilling, and D. Green, Heavy precipitation impacts on nitrogen loading to the Gulf of Mexico in the 21st century: Modeling projections under future climate scenarios, Earth's Future, 10(4), e2021EF002141, 2022.
  1. Mishra, A., S. Mukherjee, B. Merz, V. Singh, D. Wright, G. Villarini, S. Paul, N. Kumar, P. Khedun, D. Niyogi, G. Schumann, and J.R. Stedinger, Challenges and future directions in flood research, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 27(6), 1-30, 2022.
  1. Villarini, G., W. Zhang, P. Miller, D. Johnson, L. Grimley, and H. Roberts, Probabilistic rainfall generator for tropical cyclones affecting Louisiana, International Journal of Climatology, 42(3), 1789-1802, 2022.
  1. Ayers, J.R., G. Villarini, K. Schilling, C. Jones, A. Brookfield, S.C. Zipper, and W.H. Farmer, The role of climate in monthly baseflow changes across the continental United States, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 27(5), 04022006, 2022.
  1. Yang, Z., G. Villarini, and E. Scoccimarro, Evaluation of the capability of regional climate models in reproducing the temporal clustering in heavy precipitation over Europe, Atmospheric Research, 269, 106027, 1-10, 2022.


  1. Ayers, J., G. Villarini, K. Schilling, and C. Jones, Projected changes in monthly baseflow across the U.S. Midwest, International Journal of Climatology, 41(12), 5536-5549, 2021.
  1. Villarini, G., and C. Wasko, Humans, climate and streamflow, Nature Climate Change, 1-2, 2021.
  1. Scoccimarro, E., G. Villarini, S. Gualdi, and A. Navarra, The Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulates tropical cyclone days on the interannual timescale in the North Pacific Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 126, e2021JD034988, 1-10, 2021.
  1. Vecchi, G.A., C. Landsea, W. Zhang, G. Villarini, and T. Knutson, Changes in Atlantic major hurricane frequency since the late-19th century, Nature Communications, 12, 4054, 1-9, 2021.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, E. Scoccimarro, M. Roberts, P.L. Vidale, B. Vanniere, L.-P. Caron, D. Putrasahan, C. Roberts, R. Senan, and M.-P. Moine, Tropical cyclone precipitation in the HighResMIP Atmosphere-only Experiments of the PRIMAVERA Project, Climate Dynamics, 57, 253-273, 2021.
  1. Tramblay, Y., G. Villarini, E.M. El Khalki, G. Gründemann, and D. Hughes, Evaluation of the drivers responsible for flooding in Africa, Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR029595, 1-14, 2021.
  1. Yang, L., Y. Yang, G. Villarini, X. Li, H. Hu, L. Wang, G. Blöschl, and F. Tian, Climate more important for Chinese flood changes than reservoirs and land use, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093061, 1-10, 2021.
  1. Ayers, J., G. Villarini, K. Schilling, and C. Jones, Development of statistical models for estimating daily nitrate load in Iowa, Science of the Total Environment, 782, 1-10, 2021.
  1. Slater, L., G. Villarini, S. Archfield, D. Faulkner, R. Lamb, A. Khouakhi, and J. Yin, Global changes in 20-year, 50-year and 100-year river floods, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091824, 2021.
  1. Fowler, H.J., H. Ali, R.P. Allan, N. Ban, R. Barbero, P. Berg, S. Blenkinsop, N. Senol Cabi, S. Chan, M. Dale, R.J.H. Dunn, M. Ekström, J.P. Evans, G. Fosser, B. Golding, S.B. Guerreiro, G.C. Hegerl, A. Kahraman, E.J. Kendon, G. Lenderink, E. Lewis, X. Li, P.A. O’Gorman, H.G. Orr, K.L. Peat, A.F. Prein, D. Pritchard, C. Schär, A. Sharma, P.A. Stott, R. Villalobos-Herrera, G. Villarini, C. Wasko, M.F. Wehner, S. Westra, and A. Whitford, Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes, Philosophical Transactions A, 379(2195), 1-22, 2021.
  1. Wasko, C., S. Westra, R. Nathan, H.G. Orr., G. Villarini, R. Villalobos Herrera, and H.J. Fowler, Incorporating climate change in flood estimation guidance, Philosophical Transactions A, 379(2195), 1-24, 2021.
  1. Zhang, W., and G. Villarini, Greenhouse gases drove the increasing trends in spring precipitation across the Central United States, Philosophical Transactions A, 379(2195), 1-9, 2021.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, E. Scoccimarro, and F. Napolitano, Examining the precipitation associated with medicanes in the high-resolution ERA-5 reanalysis data, 41(S1), E126-E132, International Journal of Climatology, 2021.
  1. Yang, Z., and G. Villarini, Evaluation of the capability of global climate models in reproducing the temporal clustering in heavy precipitation over Europe, International Journal of Climatology, 41(1), 131-145, 2021.
  1. Ayers, J., G. Villarini, K. Schilling, and C. Jones, On the statistical attribution of changes in monthly baseflow across the U.S. Midwest, Journal of Hydrology, 592, 1-10, 2021.
  1. Fowler, H.J., G. Lenderink, A.F. Prein, S. Westra, R.P. Allan, N. Ban, R. Barbero, P. Berg, S. Blenkinsop, H.X. Do, S.B. Guerreiro, J.O. Haert, E.J. Kendon, E. Lewis, C. Schär, A. Sharma, G. Villarini, C. Wasko, and X. Zhang, Anthropogenic intensification of short-duration rainfall extremes, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2, 107-122, 2021.
  1. Wang, C., W. Zhang, and G. Villarini, On the use of convolutional Gaussian processes to improve the seasonal forecasting of precipitation and temperature, Journal of Hydrology, 593, 1-9, 2021.


  1. Vittal, H., G. Villarini, S. Karmakar, L. Wilcox, and M. Collins, Northward propagation of the intertropical convergence zone and strengthening of Indian summer monsoon rainfall, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(23), 1-10, 2020.
  1. Villarini, G., F. Quintero, W.F. Krajewski, and G.A. Vecchi, Attribution of the impacts of the 2008 flooding in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) to anthropogenic forcing, Environmental Research Letters, 15, 1-8, 2020.
  1. Vittal, H., G. Villarini, and W. Zhang, Fidelity of global climate models in representing the horizontal water vapor transport, International Journal of Climatology, 40, 5714-5726, 2020.
  1. Neri, A., G. Villarini, and F. Napolitano, Intraseasonal predictability of the duration of flooding above National Weather Service flood warning levels across the U.S. Midwest, Hydrological Processes, 34, 4505-4511, 2020.
  1. Nayak, M.A., M.K. Cowles, G. Villarini, and B. Wafa, Bayesian hierarchical models for the frequency of winter heavy precipitation events over the central United States: The role of atmospheric rivers, Water Resources Research, 56, e2020WR028256, 1-18, 2020.
  1. Tramblay, Y., G. Villarini, and W. Zhang, Observed changes in flood hazard in Africa, Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 1-8, 2020.
  1. Yang, Z., and G. Villarini, On the role of CO2 concentrations in enhancing the temporal clustering of heavy precipitation events across Europe, Climatic Change, 162, 1455-1472, 2020.
  1. Zhang, W., and G. Villarini, Deadly compound heat stress-flooding hazard across the Central United States, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(15), e2020GL089185, 2020.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, and G.A. Vecchi, The East Asian Subtropical Jet Stream and Atlantic tropical cyclones, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, 1-9, e2020GL088851, 2020.
  1. Villarini, G., and W. Zhang, Projected changes in flooding: A continental U.S. perspective, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1472(1), 95-103, 2020.
  1. Veatch, W., and G. Villarini, Modeling the seasonality of extreme coastal water levels with mixtures of circular probability density functions, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 140, 1199-1206, 2020.
  1. Neri, A., G. Villarini, and F. Napolitano, Statistically-based projected changes in the frequency of flood events across the U.S. Midwest, Journal of Hydrology, 584, 124314, 1-10, 2020.
  1. Miniussi, A., G. Villarini, and M. Marani, Analyses through the metastatistical extreme value distribution identify contributions of tropical cyclones to rainfall extremes in the eastern US, Geophysical Research Letters, 47(7), e2020GL087238, 1-9, 2020.
  1. Payne, A.E., M.-E. Demory, L.R. Leung, A.M. Ramos, C.A. Shields, J.J. Rutz, N. Siler, G. Villarini, A. Hall, and F.M. Ralph, Responses and impacts of atmospheric rivers to climate change, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1, 143-157, 2020.
  1. Yang, L., G. Villarini, Z. Zeng, J. Smith, M. Liu, X. Li, L. Wang, and A. Hou, Riverine flooding and landfalling tropical cyclones over China, Earth's Future, 8, e2019EF001451, 1-13, 2020.
  1. Vittal, H., G. Villarini, and W. Zhang, Early prediction of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall by the Atlantic Meridional Mode, Climate Dynamics, 54, 2337–2346, 2020.
  1. Vittal, H., G. Villarini, and W. Zhang, On the role of the Atlantic Ocean in exacerbating Indian heat waves, Climate Dynamics, 54, 1887–1896, 2020.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, and E. Scoccimarro, Reduced extremes of sub-daily temperature swings during the boreal summer in the northern hemisphere, International Journal of Climatology, 40, 1306–1315, 2020.
  1. Miniussi, A., M. Marani, and G. Villarini, Metastatistical extreme value distribution applied to floods across the continental United States, Advances in Water Resources, 136, 1-10, 2020.


  1. Zhang, W., and G. Villarini, On the weather types that shape the precipitation patterns across the U.S. Midwest, Climate Dynamics, 53, 4217-4232, 2019.
  1. Khouakhi, A., G. Villarini, W. Zhang, and L.J. Slater, Seasonal predictability of high sea level frequency using ENSO patterns along the U.S. West Coast, Advances in Water Resources, 131, 1-11, 2019.
  1. Zhang, W., H. Vittal, and G. Villarini, Potential impacts of anthropogenic forcing on the frequency of tropical depressions in the North Indian Ocean in 2018, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7(12), 1-7, 2019.
  1. Slater, L.J., G. Villarini, A.A. Bradley, and G.A. Vecchi, A dynamical statistical framework for seasonal streamflow forecasting in an agricultural watershed, Climate Dynamics, 53, 7429-7445, 2019.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, and G.A. Vecchi, Impacts of Pacific Meridional Mode on rainfall over the Maritime Continent and Australia: Potential for seasonal predictions, Climate Dynamics, 53, 7185-7199, 2019.
  1. Villarini, G., B. Luitel, G.A. Vecchi, and J. Ghosh, Multi-model ensemble forecasting of North Atlantic tropical cyclone activity, Climate Dynamics, 53, 7461-7477, 2019.
  1. Slater, L.J., G. Villarini, and A.A. Bradley, Evaluation of the skill of North-American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) global climate models in predicting average and extreme precipitation and temperature over the continental USA, Climate Dynamics, 53, 7381-7396, 2019.
  1. Vecchi, G.A., T. Delworth, H. Murakami, S. Underwood, A.T. Wittenberg, F. Zeng, W. Zhang, J. Baldwin, K. Bhatia, W. Cooke, J. He, S.B. Kapnick, T. Knutson, G. Villarini, K. van der Wiel, W. Anderson, V. Balaji, J.-H. Chen, K. Dixon, R. Gudgel, L. Harris, L. Jia, N. Johnson, S.-J. Lin, M. Liu, J. Ng, A. Rosati, J. Smith, and X. Yang,Tropical cyclone sensitivities to CO2 doubling: Roles of atmospheric resolution, synoptic variability and background climate changes, Climate Dynamics, 53, 5999-6033, 2019.
  1. Morrison, A., G. Villarini, W. Zhang, and E. Scoccimarro, Projected changes in extreme precipitation at sub-daily and daily time scales, Global and Planetary Change, 182, 1-11, 2019.
  1. Black, A.W., and G. Villarini, Effects of methodological decisions on rainfall-related crash risk estimates, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 130, 22-29, 2019.
  1. Yang, Z., and G. Villarini, Examining the capability of reanalyses in capturing the temporal clustering of heavy precipitation across Europe, Climate Dynamics, 53, 1845-1857, 2019.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, G.A. Vecchi, and H. Murakami, Rainfall from tropical cyclones: High-resolution simulations and seasonal forecasts, Climate Dynamics, 52(9), 5269-5289, 2019.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, and M. Wehner, Contrasting the responses of extreme precipitation to changes in surface air and dew point temperatures, Climatic Change, 154, 257-271, 2019.
  1. Zhang, W., and G. Villarini, Seasonal forecasting of Western North Pacific tropical cyclone frequency using the North American Multi-Model Ensemble, Climate Dynamics, 52(9), 5269–5289, 2019.
  1. Neri, A., G. Villarini, L.J. Slater, and F. Napolitano, On the statistical attribution of the frequency of flood events across the U.S. Midwest, Advances in Water Resources, 127, 225-236, 2019.
  1. Neri, A., G. Villarini, K. Salvi, L.J. Slater, and F. Napolitano, On the decadal predictability of the frequency of flood events across the U.S. Midwest, International Journal of Climatology, 39(3), 1796-1804, 2019.
  1. Ayers, J.R., G. Villarini, C.S. Jones, and K.E. Schilling, Changes in monthly baseflow across the U.S. Midwest, Hydrological Processes, 33(5), 748-758, 2019.
  1. Zhang, W., and G. Villarini, On the role of the Atlantic Ocean in forcing tropic cyclones in the Arabian Sea, Atmospheric Research, 220, 120-124, 2019.
  1. Barth, N.A., G. Villarini, and K. White, Accounting for mixed populations in flood frequency analysis: A Bulletin 17C perspective, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 24(3), 1-12, 2019.


  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, G.A. Vecchi, and J.A. Smith, Urbanization exacerbated the rainfall and flooding caused by hurricane Harvey in Houston, Nature, 563, 384–388, 2018.
  1. Barth, N.A., G. Villarini, and K. White, Contribution of tropical cyclones and their remnants on flooding in the Western United States, International Journal of Climatology, 2018.
  1. Giuntoli, I., G. Villarini, C. Prudhomme, and D.M. Hannah, Uncertainties in projected runoff over the contiguous United States, Climatic Change, 150(3), 149-162, 2018.
  1. Rios Gaona, M.F., and G. Villarini, Characterization of the diurnal cycle of maximum rainfall in tropical cyclones, Journal of Hydrology, 564, 997-1007, 2018.
  1. Slater, L.J., and G. Villarini, Enhancing the predictability of seasonal streamflow via a statistical dynamical-approach, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 6504–6513, 2018.
  1. Dhanya, C.T., and G. Villarini, On the inherent predictability of precipitation across the United States, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 133, 1035-1050, 2018.
  1. Aryal, Y.N., G. Villarini, W. Zhang, and G.A. Vecchi, Long term changes in flooding and heavy rainfall associated with North Atlantic tropical cyclones: Roles of the North Atlantic Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation, Journal of Hydrology, 559, 698-710, 2018.
  1. Rios Gaona, M.F., G. Villarini, W. Zhang, and G.A. Vecchi, The added value of IMERG in characterizing rainfall in tropical cyclones, Atmospheric Research, 209, 95-102, 2018.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, G.A. Vecchi, and H. Murakami, Impacts of the Pacific Meridional Mode on landfalling North Atlantic tropical cyclones, Climate Dynamics, 50(3-4), 991-1006, 2018.
  1. Zhang, W., and G. Villarini, Uncovering the role of the East Asian jet stream and heterogeneities in atmospheric rivers affecting the western United States, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(5), 891-896, 2018.
  1. Zhang, W., G.A. Vecchi, H. Murakami, G. Villarini, T. Delworth, X. Yang, and L. Jia, Dominant role of Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation in the recent decadal changes in western North Pacific tropical cyclone activity, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 354-362, 2018.
  1. Nayak, M.A., and G. Villarini, Remote sensing-based characterization of rainfall during atmospheric rivers over the central United States, Journal of Hydrology, 556, 1038-1049, 2018.
  1. Luitel, B., G. Villarini, and G.A. Vecchi, Verification of the skill of numerical weather prediction models in forecasting rainfall from U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones, Journal of Hydrology, 556, 1026-1037, 2018.
  1. Villarini, G., and L.J. Slater, Examination of changes in annual maximum gage height in the continental United States using quantile regression, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 23(3), 1-5, 2018.


  1. Zhang, W., and G. Villarini, Extreme precipitation is highly sensitive to the magnitude of future warming, Climatic Change, 145, 249-257, 2017.
  1. Salvi, K., G. Villarini, G.A. Vecchi, and S. Ghosh, Decadal temperature predictions over the continental United States: Analysis and enhancement, Climate Dynamics, 49, 3587-3604, 2017.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, L. Slater, G.A. Vecchi, and A.A. Bradley, Improved ENSO forecasting using Bayesian updating and the North American Multi Model Ensemble (NMME), Journal of Climate, 30, 9007-9025, 2017.
  1. Bin, O., J. Czajkowski, J. Li, and G. Villarini, Housing market fluctuations and the implicit price of water quality: Empirical evidence from a South Florida housing market, Environmental and Resource Economics, 68, 319-341, 2017.
  1. Mallakpour, I., and G. Villarini, Analysis of changes in the magnitude, frequency, and seasonality of heavy precipitation over the contiguous United States, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 130, 345-363, 2017.
  1. Slater, L.J., and G. Villarini, Evaluating the drivers of seasonal streamflow in the U.S. Midwest, Water, 9(9), 1-22, 2017.
  1. Salvi, K., G. Villarini, and G.A. Vecchi, High resolution decadal precipitation predictions over the continental United States for impacts assessment, Journal of Hydrology, 553, 559-573, 2017.
  1. Villarini, G., A. Khouakhi, and E. Cunningham, On the impacts of computing daily temperatures as the average of the daily minimum and maximum temperatures, Atmospheric Research, 198, 145-150, 2017.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, E. Scoccimarro, and G.A. Vecchi, Stronger influences of increased CO2 on sub-daily precipitation extremes than at the daily scale, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 7464-7471, 2017.
  1. Slater, L.J., and G. Villarini, On the impact of gaps on trend detection in extreme streamflow time series, International Journal of Climatology, 37(10), 3976-3983, 2017.
  1. Slater, L.J., G. Villarini, and A.A. Bradley, Weighting of NMME temperature and precipitation forecasts across Europe, Journal of Hydrology, 552, 646-659, 2017.
  1. Weiss, T.L., R.F. Denniston, A.D. Wanamaker, G. Villarini, and A.S. von der Heydt, El Niño-Southern Oscillation-like variability in a late Miocene Caribbean coral, Geology, 45(7), 643-646, 2017.
  1. Mallakpour, I., G. Villarini, M.P. Jones, and J.A. Smith, On the use of Cox regression to examine the temporal clustering of flooding and heavy precipitation across the central United States, 155, 98-108, Global and Planetary Change, 2017.
  1. Zhang, W., and G. Villarini, On the unseasonal flooding over the central United States during December 2015 and January 2016, Atmospheric Research, 2017.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, and G.A. Vecchi, Impacts of the Pacific Meridional Mode on June-August precipitation in the Amazon River Basin, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143, 1936-1945, 2017.
  1. Nayak, M.A., and G. Villarini, A long-term perspective of the hydroclimatological impacts of atmospheric rivers over the central United States, Water Resources Research, 53, 1144-1166, 2017. (AR data)
  1. Barth, N.A., G. Villarini, M.A. Nayak, and K. White, Mixed populations and annual flood frequency estimates in the western United States: The role of atmospheric rivers, Water Resources Research, 53, 257-269, 2017.
  1. Zhang, W., G.A. Vecchi, G. Villarini, H. Murakami, R. Gudgel, and X. Yang, Statistical-dynamical seasonal forecast of Western North Pacific and East Asia landfalling tropical cyclones using the GFDL FLOR coupled climate model, Journal of Climate, 30(6), 2209-2232, 2017.
  1. Czajkowski, J., G. Villarini, M. Montgomery, E. Michel-Kerjan, and R. Goska, Assessing current and future freshwater flood risk from North Atlantic tropical cyclones via insurance claims, Scientific Reports, 7, 1-10, 2017.
  1. Black, A.W., G. Villarini, and T.L. Mote, Effects of rainfall on vehicle crashes in six U.S. states, Weather, Climate, and Society, 9, 53-70, 2017.
  1. Zhang, W., G.A. Vecchi, G. Villarini, H. Murakami, A. Rosati, X. Yang, L. Jia, and F. Zeng, Modulation of Western North Pacific tropical cyclone activity by the Atlantic Meridional Mode, Climate Dynamics, 48(1), 631-647, 2017.
  1. Khouakhi, A., and G. Villarini, Attribution of annual maximum sea levels to tropical cyclones at the global scale, International Journal of Climatology, 37, 540-547, 2017.
  1. Khouakhi, A., G. Villarini, and G.A. Vecchi, Contribution of tropical cyclones to rainfall at the global scale, Journal of Climate, 30, 359-372, 2017.
  1. Dhanya, C.T., and G. Villarini, An investigation of predictability dynamics of temperature and precipitation in reanalysis datasets over the continental United States, Atmospheric Research, 183, 341-350, 2017.


  1. Slater, L.J., and G. Villarini, Recent trends in US flood risk, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(24), 12428-12436, 2016.
  1. Zhang, W., G.A. Vecchi, H. Murakami, G. Villarini, T. Delworth, K. Paffendorf, R. Gudgel, L. Jia, F. Zeng, and X. Yang, Influences of natural variability and anthropogenic forcing on the extreme 2015 accumulated cyclone energy in the Western North Pacific, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(12), S131-S135, 2016.
  1. Villarini, G., C.S. Jones, and K.E. Schilling, Soybean area and baseflow driving Raccoon River nitrate, Journal of Environmental Quality, 45(6), 1949-1959, 2016.
  1. Zhang, W., G.A. Vecchi, G. Villarini, H. Murakami, T. Delworth, L. Jia, and F. Zeng, Simulated connections between ENSO and tropical cyclones near Guam in a high-resolution GFDL coupled climate model: Implications for seasonal forecasting, Journal of Climate, 29, 8231-8248, 2016.
  1. Murakami, H., G.A. Vecchi, G. Villarini, T. Delworth, R. Gudgel, S. Underwood, X. Yiang, W. Zhang, and S.-J. Lin, Seasonal forecasts of major hurricanes and landfalling tropical cyclones using a high-resolution GFDL coupled climate model, Journal of Climate, 29, 7977-7989, 2016.
  1. Denniston, R.F., C.C. Ummenhofer, A.D. Wanamaker, M.S. Lachniet, G. Villarini, Y. Asmerom, V.J. Polyak, K.J. Passaro, J.Cugley, D. Woods, and W.F. Humphreys, Expansion and contraction of the Indo-Pacific tropical rain belt over the last three millennia, Scientific Reports, 6, 1-9, 2016.
  1. Khouakhi, A., and G. Villarini, On the relationship between atmospheric rivers and high sea water levels along the U.S. West Coast, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 8815-8822, 2016.
  1. Zhang, W., G. Villarini, G.A. Vecchi, H. Murakami, R. Gudgel, Statistical-dynamical seasonal forecast of western North Pacific and East Asia landfalling tropical cyclones using the High-Resolution GFDL FLOR coupled model, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 8, 538-565, 2016.
  1. Villarini, G., K.E. Schilling, and C.S. Jones, Assessing the relation of USDA conservation expenditures to suspended sediment reductions in an Iowa watershed, Journal of Environmental Management, 180, 375-383, 2016.
  1. Murakami, H., G. Villarini, G.A. Vecchi, W. Zhang, R. Gudgel Statistical-dynamical seasonal forecast of North Atlantic and U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones using the high-Resolution GFDL FLOR Coupled Model, Monthly Weather Review, 144(6), 2101-2123, 2016.
  1. Mallakpour, I., and G. Villarini, Investigating the relationship between the frequency of flooding over the central United States and large-scale climate, Advances in Water Resources, 92, 159-171, 2016.
  1. Zhang, W., G.A. Vecchi, H. Murakami, T. Delworth, A. Wittenberg, W. Anderson, A. Rosati, S. Underwood, L. Harris, R. Gudgel, S.-J. Lin, G. Villarini, and J.-H. Chen, Improved simulation of tropical cyclone responses to ENSO in the western North Pacific in the high-resolution GFDL HiFLOR coupled climate model, Journal of Climate, 29(1), 381-398, 2016.
  1. Mallakpour, I., and G. Villarini, A simulation study to examine the sensitivity of the Pettitt test to detect abrupt changes in mean, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(2), 245-254, 2016.
  1. Villarini, G., and R.F. Denniston, Contribution of tropical cyclones to extreme rainfall in Australia, International Journal of Climatology, 36(2), 1019-1025, 2016.
  1. Nayak, M.A., and G. Villarini, Evaluation of the capability of the Lombard test in detecting abrupt changes in variance, Journal of Hydrology, 534, 451-465, 2016.
  1. Zhang, W., G.A. Vecchi, H. Murakami, G. Villarini, and L. Jia, The Pacific Meridional Mode and the occurrence of tropical cyclones in the Western North Pacific, Journal of Climate, 29(1), 381-398, 2016.
  1. Nayak, M.A., G. Villarini, and A.A. Bradley, Atmospheric rivers and rainfall during NASA’s Iowa Flood Studies (IFloodS) campaign, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17(1), 257-271, 2016.
  1. Villarini, G., On the seasonality of flooding across the continental United States, Advances in Water Resources, 87, 80-91, 2016.


  1. Little, C.M., R.M. Horton, R.E. Kopp, M. Oppenheimer, G. Vecchi, and G. Villarini, Joint projections of US East Coast sea level and storm surge, Nature Climate Change, 5, 1114-1120, 2015.
  1. Giuntoli, I., G. Villarini, C. Prudhomme, I. Mallakpour, and D. Hannah, Evaluation of global impact models ability to reproduce runoff characteristics over the central United States, Journal of Geophysical Research, 120, 9138-9159, 2015.
  1. Villarini, G., E. Scoccimarro, K.D. White, J.R. Arnold, K.E. Schilling, and J. Ghosh, Projected changes in discharge in an agricultural watershed in Iowa, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 51(5), 1361-1371, 2015.
  1. Knutson, T., J. Sirutis, M. Zhao, R. Tuleya, M. Bender, G.A. Vecchi, G. Villarini, and D. Chavas, Global projections of intense tropical cyclone activity for the late 21st century from dynamical downscaling of CMIP5/RCP4.5 scenarios, 28(18), 7203-7224, Journal of Climate, 2015.
  1. Denniston, R.F., G. Villarini, A.N. Gonzales, V.J. Polyak, C.C. Ummenhofer, M.S. Lachniet, A.D. Wannamaker, W.F. Humphreys, D. Woods, and J. Cugley, Reply to Nott: Assessing biases in speleothem records of flood events, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(34), E4637, 2015.
  1. Scoccimarro, E., G. Villarini, M. Vichi, M. Zampieri, P.G. Fogli, A. Bellucci, and S. Gualdi, Projected changes in intense precipitation over Europe at the daily and sub-daily time scales, Journal of Climate, 28(15), 6193-6203, 2015.
  1. Yeung, J.K., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, and G. Villarini, Lagrangian analyses of rainfall structure and evolution for organized thunderstorm systems in the urban corridor of the Northeastern US, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16(4), 1575-1595, 2015.
  1. Bates, N.S., J.A. Smith, and G. Villarini, Flood response for the watersheds of the Fernow experimental forest in the central Appalachians, Water Resources Research, 51(6), 4431-4453, 2015.
  1. Walsh, K.J.E., S.J. Camargo, G.A. Vecchi, A.S. Daloz, J. Elsner, K. Emanuel, M. Horn, Y.-K. Lim, M. Roberts, C. Patricola, E. Scoccimarro, A.H. Sobel, S. Strazzo, G. Villarini, M. Wehner, M. Zhao, J. Kossin, T. LaRow, K. Oouchi, S. Schubert, H. Wang, J. Bacmeister, P. Chang, F. Chauvin, C. Jablonowski, H. Murakami, T. Ose, K.A. Reed, R. Saravanan, Y. Yamada, C.M. Zarzycki, P.L. Vidale, J.A. Jonas, and N. Henderson, Hurricanes and climate: the U.S. CLIVAR working group on hurricanes, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96(6), 997-1017, 2015.
  1. Lavers, D.A., and G. Villarini, The relationship between daily European precipitation and measures of atmospheric water vapour transport, International Journal of Climatology, 35(8), 2187-2192, 2015.
  1. Denniston, R.F., G. Villarini, A.N. Gonzales, K.-H. Wyrwoll, V.J. Polyak, C.C. Ummenhofer, M.S. Lachniet, A.D. Wannamaker, W.F. Humphreys, D. Woods, and J. Cugley, Extreme rainfall activity in the Australian tropics reflects changes in the El Niño/Southern Oscillation over the last two millennia, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(15), 4576-4581, 2015.
  1. Mallakpour, I., and G. Villarini, The changing nature of flooding across the central United States, Nature Climate Change, 5, 250-254, 2015.
  1. Lavers, D.A., and G. Villarini, The contribution of atmospheric rivers to precipitation in Europe and the United States, Journal of Hydrology, 522, 382-390, 2015.


  1. Villarini, G., R. Goska, J.A. Smith, and G.A. Vecchi, North Atlantic tropical cyclones and U.S. flooding, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95(9), 1381-1388, 2014.
  1. Vecchi, G.A., T. Delworth, R. Gudgel, S. Kapnick, A. Rosati, A. Wittenberg, F. Zeng, W. Anderson, V. Balaji, K. Dixon, L. Jia, H.-S. Kim, L. Krishnamurthy, R. Msadek, W.F. Stern, S.D. Underwood, G. Villarini, X. Yang, and S. Zhang, On the seasonal forecasting of regional tropical cyclone activity, Journal of Climate, 27, 7994-8016, 2014.
  1. Chaney, N.W., J. Sheffield, G. Villarini, and E.F. Wood, Development of a high resolution gridded daily meteorological data set over Sub-Saharan Africa: Spatial analysis of trends in climate extremes, Journal of Climate, 27(15), 5815-5835, 2014.
  1. Nayak, M.A., G. Villarini, and D.A. Lavers, On the skill of numerical weather prediction models to forecast atmospheric rivers over the central United States, Geophysical Research Letter, 41, 4354-4362, 2014.
  1. Ferguson, C.R., and G. Villarini, An evaluation of the statistical homogeneity of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis, Climate Dynamics, 42(11-12), 2841-2866, 2014.
  1. Scoccimarro, E., S. Gualdi, G. Villarini, G.A. Vecchi, M. Zhao, K. Walsh, and A. Navarra, Intense precipitation events associated with landfalling tropical cyclones in response to a warmer climate and increased CO2, Journal of Climate, 27(12), 4642-4654, 2014.
  1. Villarini, G., D.A. Lavers, E. Scoccimarro, M. Zhao, M.F. Wehner, G.A. Vecchi, T.R. Knutson, and K.A. Reed, Sensitivity of tropical cyclone rainfall to idealized global scale forcings, Journal of Climate, 27(12), 4622-4641, 2014.
  1. Wright, D.B., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, and M.L. Baeck, Long-term high-resolution radar rainfall fields for urban hydrology, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 50(3), 713-734, 2014.
  1. Fox, J. W. Ford, K. Strom, G. Villarini, and M. Meehan, Benthic control upon the morphology of transported fine sediments in a low-gradient stream, Hydrological Processes, 28(11), 3776-3788, 2014.
  1. Villarini, G., and A. Strong, Roles of climate and agricultural practices in discharge changes in an agricultural watershed in Iowa, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 188, 204-2011, 2014.
  1. Vecchi, G.A., and G. Villarini, Next season’s hurricanes, Science, 343(6171), 618-619, 2014.
  1. Vecchi, G.A., R. Msadek, W. Anderson, Y.-S. Chang, T. Delworth, K. Dixon, R. Gudgel, A. Rosati, W. Stern, G. Villarini, A. Wittenberg, X. Yang, F. Zeng, R. Zhang, and S. Zhang, Reply to comments on "Multi-year predictions of North Atlantic hurricane frequency: Promise and limitations," Journal of Climate, 27(1), 490-492, 2014.
  1. Villarini, G., B.-C. Seo, F. Serinaldi, and W.F. Krajewski, Spatial and temporal modeling of radar rainfall uncertainties, Atmospheric Research, 135-136, 91-101, 2014.


  1. Lavers, D.A., and G. Villarini, Were global numerical weather prediction systems capable of forecasting the extreme Colorado rainfall of 9-16 September 2013?, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(24), 6405-6410, 2013.
  1. Czajkowski, J., G. Villarini, E. Michel-Kerjan, and J.A. Smith, Determining tropical cyclone inland flooding loss on a large-scale through a new flood peak ratio-based methodology, Environmental Research Letters, 8(4), 1-7, 2013.
  1. Smith, J.A., M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, D.B. Wright, and W.F. Krajewski, Extreme flood response: The June 2008 flooding in Iowa, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14(6), 1810-1825, 2013.
  1. Yang, L., J.A. Smith, D.B. Wright, M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, F. Tian, and H. Hu, Urbanization and climate change: An examination of nonstationarities in urban flooding, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14(6), 1791-1809, 2013.
  1. Lavers, D.A., and G. Villarini, Atmospheric rivers and flooding over the central United States, Journal of Climate, 26(20), 7829-7836, 2013.
  1. Knutson, T.R., J.J. Sirutis, G.A. Vecchi, S. Garner, M. Zhao, H.-S. Kim, M. Bender, R.E. Tuleya, I.M. Held, and G. Villarini, Dynamical downscaling projections of late 21st century Atlantic hurricane activity: CMIP3 and CMIP5 model-based scenarios, Journal of Climate, 26(17), 6575-6590, 2013.
  1. Villarini, G., and J.A. Smith, Flooding in Texas: Examination of temporal changes and impacts of tropical cyclones, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 49(4), 825-837, 2013.
  1. Vecchi, G.A., R. Msadek, W. Anderson, Y.-S. Chang, T. Delworth, K. Dixon, R. Gudgel, A. Rosati, W. Stern, G. Villarini, A. Wittenberg, X. Yang, F. Zeng, R. Zhang, and S. Zhang, Multi-year predictions of North Atlantic hurricane frequency: Promise and limitations, Journal of Climate, 26(15), 5337-5357, 2013.
  1. Lavers, D.A., R.P. Allan, G. Villarini, B. Lloyd-Hughes, D.J. Brayshaw, and A.J. Wade, Future changes in atmospheric rivers and their implications for winter flooding in Britain, Environmental Research Letters, 8(3), 1-8, 2013.
  1. Lavers, D.A., and G. Villarini, The nexus between atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation across Europe, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(12), 3259-3264, 2013.
  1. Villarini, G., E. Scoccimarro, and S. Gualdi, Projections of heavy rainfall over the central United States based on CMIP5 models, Atmospheric Science Letters, 14(3), 200-205, 2013.
  1. Peterson, T.C., R.R. Heim, R. Hirsch, D.P. Kaiser, H. Brooks, N.S. Diffenbaugh, R.M. Dole, J.P. Giovannettone, J. Guirguis, T.R. Karl, R.W. Katz, K. Kunkel, D. Lettenmaier, G.J. McCabe, C.J. Paciorek, K.R. Ryberg, S. Schubert, V.B.S. Silva, B.C. Stewart, A.V. Vecchia, G. Villarini, R.S. Vose, J. Walsh, M. Wehner, D. Wolock, K. Wolter, C.A. Woodhouse, and D. Wuebbles, Monitoring and understanding changes in heat waves, cold waves, floods and droughts in the United States: State of knowledge, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94(6), 821-834, 2013.
  1. Smith, B.K., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, and D.B. Wright, The spectrum of storm event hydrologic response in urban watersheds, Water Resources Research, 49(5), 2649-2663, 2013.
  1. Long, Y., G. Villarini, J.A. Smith, F. Tian, and H. Hu, Changes in seasonal maximum daily precipitation in China over the period 1961–2006, International Journal of Climatology, 33(7), 1646-1657, 2013.
  1. Villarini, G., and G.A. Vecchi, Multi-season lead forecast of the North Atlantic Power Dissipation Index (PDI) and Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE), Journal of Climate, 26(11), 3631-3643, 2013.
  1. Villarini, G., and G.A. Vecchi, Projected increases in North Atlantic tropical cyclone intensity from CMIP5 models, Journal of Climate, 26(10), 3231-3240, 2013.
  1. Rowe, S.T., and G. Villarini, Flooding associated with predecessor rain events over the Midwest United States, Environmental Research Letters, 8, 1-5, 2013.
  1. Wright, D.B., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, and M.L. Baeck, Estimating the frequency of extreme rainfall using weather radar and stochastic storm transposition, Journal of Hydrology, 488, 150-165, 2013.
  1. Villarini, G., and J.A. Smith, Spatial and temporal variability of cloud-to-ground lightning over the continental U.S. during the period 1995-2010, Atmospheric Research, 124, 137-148, 2013.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, R. Vitolo, and D.B. Stephenson, On the temporal clustering of US floods and its relationship to climate teleconnection patterns, International Journal of Climatology, 33(3), 629-640, 2013.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, B.K. Smith, and P. Sturdevant Rees, Hydrologic analyses of the 17-18 July 1996 flood in Chicago and the role of urbanization, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 18(2), 250-259, 2013.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, and G.A. Vecchi, Changing frequency of heavy rainfall over the central United States, Journal of Climate, 26(1), 343-350, 2013.


  1. Villarini, G., Analyses of annual and seasonal maximum daily rainfall accumulations for Ukraine, Moldova and Romania, International Journal of Climatology, 32(14), 2213-2226, 2012.
  1. Villarini, G., and F. Serinaldi, Development of statistical models for at-site probabilistic seasonal rainfall forecast, International Journal of Climatology, 32(14), 2197-2212, 2012.
  1. Lavers, D.A., G. Villarini, R.P. Allan, E.F. Wood, and A.J. Wade, The detection of atmospheric rivers in atmospheric reanalyses and their links to British winter floods and the large-Scale climatic circulation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D20106, doi:10.1029/2012JD018027, 2012.
  1. Villarini, G., and G.A. Vecchi, Twenty-first-century projections of North Atlantic tropical storms from CMIP5 models, Nature Climate Change, 2, 604-607, 2012.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, F. Serinaldi, A.A. Ntelekos, and U. Schwarz, Analyses of extreme flooding in Austria over the period 1951-2006, International Journal of Climatology, 32, 1178-1192, 2012.
  1. Wright, D.B., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, and M.L. Baeck, The hydroclimatology of flash flooding in Atlanta, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2011WR011371, 48, W04524, 1-14, 2012.
  1. Smith, J.A., M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, C. Welty, A. J. Miller, and W.F. Krajewski, Analyses of a long-term, high-resolution radar rainfall data set for the Baltimore metropolitan area, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2011WR010641, 48, W04504, 1-14, 2012.
  1. Ferguson, C.R., and G. Villarini, Detecting inhomogeneities in the Twentieth Century Reanalysis over the central United States, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D05123, doi:10.1029/2011JD016988, 2012.
  1. Villarini, G., and G.A. Vecchi, North Atlantic Power Dissipation Index (PDI) and Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE): Statistical modeling and sensitivity to sea surface temperature changes, Journal of Climate, 25(2), 625-637, 2012.
  1. Villarini, G., G.A. Vecchi, and J.A. Smith, U.S. landfalling and North Atlantic hurricanes: Statistical modeling of their frequencies and ratios, Monthly Weather Review, 140(1), 44-65, 2012.


  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, T. Marchok, and G.A. Vecchi, Characterization of rainfall distribution and flooding associated with U.S. landfalling tropical cyclones: analyses of Hurricanes Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne (2004), Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D23116, doi:10.1029/2011JD016175, 2011.
  1. Lavers, D.A., R.P. Allan, E.F. Wood, G. Villarini, D.J. Brayshaw, and A.J. Wade, Winter floods in Britain are connected to tropical atmospheric rivers, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L23803, doi:10.1029/2011GL049783, 2011.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, F. Napolitano, and M.L. Baeck, Hydrometeorological analyses of the December 2008 flood in Rome, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56(7), 1150-1165, 2011.
  1. Villarini, G., G.A. Vecchi, T.R. Knutson, M. Zhao, and J.A. Smith, North Atlantic tropical storm frequency response to anthropogenic forcing: Projections and sources of uncertainty, Journal of Climate, 24(13), 3224-3238, 2011.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, and W.F. Krajewski Examining flood frequency distributions in the Midwest U.S., Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(3), 447-463, 2011.
  1. Villarini, G., G.A. Vecchi, T.R. Knutson, and J.A. Smith, Is the recorded increase in short duration North Atlantic tropical storms spurious?, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D10114, doi:10.1029/2010JD015493, 2011.
  1. Krajewski, W.F., B. Vignal, B.-C. Seo, and G. Villarini, Statistical model of the range dependent error in radar-rainfall estimates due to the vertical profile of reflectivity, Journal of Hydrology, 402(3-4), 306-316, 2011.
  1. Smith, J.A., M.L. Baeck, A.A. Ntelekos, G. Villarini, and M. Steiner, Extreme rainfall and flooding from orographic thunderstorms in the Central Appalachian, Water Resources Research, 47, W04514, doi:10.1029/2010WR010190, 2011.
  1. Vecchi, G.A., M. Zhao, H. Wang, G. Villarini, A. Rosati, A. Kumar, I.M. Held, and R. Gudgel, Statistical-dynamical predictions of seasonal North Atlantic hurricane activity, Monthly Weather Review, 139(4), 1070-1082, 2011.
  1. Smith, J.A., G. Villarini, and M.L. Baeck, Mixture distributions and the climatology of extreme rainfall and flooding in the Eastern US, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12(2), 294-309, 2011.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, A.A. Ntelekos, and U. Schwarz, Annual maximum and peaks-over-threshold analyses of daily rainfall accumulations for Austria, Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, D05103, doi:10.1029/2010JD015038, 2011.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, R. Vitolo, D.B. Stephenson, and W.F. Krajewski, On the frequency of heavy rainfall for the Midwest of the United States, Journal of Hydrology, 400(1-2), 103-120, 2011.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, F. Serinaldi, and A.A. Ntelekos, Analyses of seasonal and annual maximum daily discharge records for Central Europe, Journal of Hydrology, 399(3-4), 299-312, 2011.
  1. Yeung, G.K., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, A.A. Ntelekos, M.L. Baeck, and W.F. Krajewski, Analyses of the warm season rainfall climatology of the Northeastern US using regional climate model simulations and radar rainfall fields, Advances in Water Resources, 34(2), 184-204, 2011.


  1. Villarini, G., Evaluation of the research-version TMPA rainfall estimate at its finest spatial and temporal scales over the Rome metropolitan area, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49(12), 2591-2602, 2010.
  1. Villarini, G., W.F. Krajewski, A.A. Ntelekos, K.P. Georgakakos, and J.A. Smith, Towards probabilistic forecasting of flash floods: The combined effects of uncertainty in radar-rainfall and flash flood guidance, Journal of Hydrology, 394(1-2), 275-284, 2010.
  1. Lin, N., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, T.P. Marchok, and M.L. Baeck, Modeling extreme rainfall, winds, and surge from Hurricane Isabel (2003), Weather and Forecasting, 25(5), 1342-1361, 2010.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, and F. Napolitano, Nonstationary modeling of a long record of rainfall and temperature over Rome, Advances in Water Resources, 33(10), 1256-1267, 2010.
  1. Mandapaka, P., G. Villarini, B.-C. Seo, and W.F. Krajewski, Effect of radar-rainfall uncertainties on the spatial characterization of rainfall events, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D17100, doi:10.1029/2009JD013366, 2010.
  1. Smith, J.A., M.L. Baeck, G. Villarini, and W.F. Krajewski, The hydrology and hydrometeorology of flooding in the Delaware River Basin, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11(4), 841-859, 2010.
  1. Villarini, G., G.A. Vecchi, and J.A. Smith, Modeling of the dependence of tropical storm counts in the North Atlantic Basin on climate indices, Monthly Weather Review, 138(7), 2681-2705, 2010.
  1. Villarini, G., and J.A. Smith, Flood peak distributions for the Eastern United States, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2009WR008395, 46, W06504, 2010.
  1. Villarini, G., and W.F. Krajewski, Sensitivity studies of the models of radar-rainfall uncertainties, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49(2), 288-309, 2010.
  1. Krajewski, W.F., G. Villarini, and J.A. Smith, Radar-rainfall uncertainties: Where are we after thirty years of effort?, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 91(1), 87-94, 2010.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, P. Sturdevant-Rees, and W.F. Krajewski, Radar analyses of extreme rainfall and flooding in urban drainage basins, Journal of Hydrology, 381(3-4), 266-286, 2010.
  1. Javier, J.R.N., J.A. Smith, M.L. Baeck, and G. Villarini, Flash flooding in the Philadelphia metropolitan region, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 15(1), 29-38, 2010.
  1. Villarini, G., and W.F. Krajewski, Review of the different sources of uncertainty in single-polarization radar-based estimates of rainfall, Surveys in Geophysics, 31, 107-129, 2010.


  1. Villarini, G., and W.F. Krajewski, Inference of spatial scaling properties of rainfall: Impact of radar-rainfall estimation uncertainties, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6(4), 812-815, 2009.
  1. Villarini, G., and W.F. Krajewski, Empirically based modelling of uncertainties in radar rainfall estimates for a C-band weather radar at different time scales, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135, 1424-1438, 2009.
  1. Villarini, G., F. Serinaldi, J.A. Smith, and W.F. Krajewski, On the stationarity of annual flood peaks in the continental United States during the 20th century, Water Resources Research, 45, W08417, doi:10.1029/2008WR007645, 2009.
  1. Villarini, G., J.A. Smith, F. Serinaldi, J. Bales, P.D. Bates, and W.F. Krajewski, Flood frequency analysis for nonstationary annual peak records in an urban drainage basin, Advances in Water Resources, 32(8), 1255-1266, 2009.
  1. Villarini, G., W.F. Krajewski, and J.A. Smith, New paradigm for statistical validation of satellite precipitation estimates: Application to a large sample of the TMPA 0.25-degree three hourly estimates over Oklahoma, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D12106, doi:10.1029/2008JD011475, 2009.
  1. Mandapaka, P.V., W.K. Krajewski, G.J. Ciach, G. Villarini, and J.A. Smith, Estimation of radar-rainfall error spatial correlation, Advances in Water Resources, 32(7), 1020-1030, 2009.
  1. Villarini, G., W.F. Krajewski, G.J. Ciach, and D.L. Zimmerman, Product-error-driven generator of probable rainfall conditioned on WSR-88D precipitation estimates, 45, W01404, doi:10.1029/2008WR006946, Water Resources Research, 2009.


  1. Villarini, G., F. Serinaldi, and W.F. Krajewski, Modeling radar-rainfall estimation uncertainties using parametric and non-parametric approaches, Advances in Water Resources, 31(12), 1674-1686, 2008.
  1. Villarini, G., and W.F. Krajewski, Empirically-based modeling of spatial sampling uncertainties associated with rainfall measurements by rain gauges, Advances in Water Resources, 31(7), 1015-1023, 2008.
  1. Villarini, G., P.V. Mandapaka, W.F. Krajewski, and R.J. Moore, Rainfall and sampling errors: A rain gauge perspective, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D11102, doi:10.1029/2007JD009214, 2008.


  1. Ciach, G.J., W.F. Krajewski, and G. Villarini, Product-error-driven uncertainty model for probabilistic precipitation estimation with NEXRAD data, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8(6), 1325-1347, 2007.
  1. Villarini, G., J.B. Lang, F. Lombardo, F. Napolitano, F. Russo, and W.F. Krajewski, Impact of different regression frameworks on the estimation of the scaling properties of radar rainfall, Atmospheric Research, 86(3-4), 340-349, 2007.
  1. Villarini, G., and W.F. Krajewski, Evaluation of the research-version TMPA three-hourly 0.25°×0.25° rainfall estimates over Oklahoma, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L05402, doi:10.1029/2006GL029147, 2007.


  1. Gorokhovich Y., and G. Villarini, Application of GIS for processing and establishing the correlation between weather radar reflectivity and precipitation data, Meteorological Applications, 12 (1), 91-99, 2005.



  1. Villarini, G., S. Taylor, C. Wobus, R. Vogel, J. Hecht, K. White, B. Baker, K. Gilroy, R. Olsen, and D. Raff, Floods and Nonstationarity: A Review, CWTS 2018-01, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C., 2018.
  1. Villarini, G., and L.J. Slater, Climatology of Flooding in the United States, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science, doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.123, 2017.
  1. Wright, D., J.A. Smith, G. Villarini, and M.L. Baeck,. Applications of radar-based rainfall estimates for urban flood studies, Pragmatic Modeling of Urban Water Systems, Monograph 21, edited by W. James, et al., pp. 85-110, CHI, Guelph, ON, 2012.
  1. Villarini, G., W.F. Krajewski, and G.J. Ciach, Empirically-based generator of synthetic radar-rainfall data, in Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for Sustainable Water Resources Management, edited by E. Boegh, H. Kunstmann, T. Wagener, A. Hall, L. Bastidas, S. Franks, H. Gupta, D. Rosbjerg and J. Schaake, pp. 78-85, IAHS, 2007.
  1. Villarini, G., G.J. Ciach, W.F. Krajewski, K.M. Nordstrom, and V.K. Gupta, Effects of systematic and random errors on the spatial scaling properties in radar-estimated rainfall, in Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences, edited by A.A. Tsonis and J. Elsner, pp. 37-51, Springer, 2007.



  1. Amorim, R., and G. Villarini, Assessing the performance of parametric and non-parametric tests for trend detection in partial duration time series, submitted to International Journal of Flood Risk Management, 2022.
  1. Quaglia, R., G. Villarini, D. Han, and R.A. Woods, On the performance of global climate models in reproducing the hydrologically relevant catchment rainfall characteristics, submitted to Water Resources Research, 2023.
  1. Treppiedi, D., G. Villarini, and L.V. Noto, Climate change exacerbates the compounding of heat stress and flooding, submitted to International Journal of Climatology, 2023.
  1. Kim, H., and G. Villarini, On the potential use of weather types to describe the interannual variability of annual maximum discharge across the conterminous United States, submitted to Hydrological Processes, 2023.
  1. Michalek, A., G. Villarini, T. Kim, F., Quintero, and W.F. Krajewski, Disentangling the sources of uncertainties in the projection of floods risks, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters, 2023.
  1. Kuntla, S.K., M. Saharia, S. Prakash., and G. Villarini, Precipitation inequality exacerbates water inequality, but dams moderate it, submitted to Science of the Total Environment, 2023.