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Gabriele Villarini has been awarded the “Faculty Excellence Award for Research” by the College of Engineering at the University of Iowa (May 2022)
Gabriele Villarini has been named to the Reuters’s Hot List of the world’s 1,000 top climate scientists (April 2021)
PhD Defense — Zhiqi Yang successfully defended her PhD thesis, “Temporal Clustering of Heavy Precipitation Events.” Congratulations, Zhiqi! (April 2021)
PhD Defense — Jessica Ayers successfully defended her PhD thesis, “On the Detection and Attribution of Changes in Baseflow across the U.S. Midwest.” Congratulations, Jessi! (April 2021)
Lily Kraft has received the Graduate College Iowa Recruitment Fellowship. Congratulations, Lily! (March 2021)
Renato Amorim will start his PhD with me next fall. Welcome, Renato! (March 2021)
Lily Kraft will start his PhD with me next fall. Welcome, Lily! (February 2021)
Alexander Michalek will start his PhD with me next summer. Welcome, Alexander! (December 2020)
Hanbeen Kim will be joining my research group in January. Welcome, Hanbeen! (December 2020)
Gabriele Villarini is a Web of Science’s Highly Cited Researcher for 2020. (November 2020)
Zhiqi Yang has received the Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship. Congratulations, Zhiqi! (October 2020)
Gabriele Villarini named the new Editor-in-Chief for Advances in Water Resources. (October 2020)
Katey Namanny has joined my research group. Welcome, Katey! (September 2020)
Sadya Islam has joined my research group. Welcome, Sadya! (May 2020)
Gabriele Villarini named “Robert & Virginia Wheeler Faculty Fellow in Engineering." (April 2020)
Wei Zhang promoted to Associate Research Scientist. Congratulations, Wei! (April 2020)
Meifang Ren is a visiting student from Beijing Normal University. Welcome, Meifang! (December 2019)
Bo Pang is a visiting professor from Beijing Normal University. Welcome, Bo! (September 2019)
Jessica Ayers passed her PhD Comprehensive Exam. Congratulations, Jessi! (April 2019)
Zhiqi Yang passed her PhD Comprehensive Exam. Congratulations, Zhiqi! (April 2019)
MS Defense — Alex Morrison successfully defended her thesis, “Projected Changes in Extreme Precipitation at Sub-Daily and Daily Time Scales.” Congratulations, Alex! (April 2019)
Ottavio Cavalcanti is a visiting MS student from the University of Calabria. Welcome, Ottavio! (January 2019)
PhD Defense — Nancy Barth successfully defended her PhD thesis, “Flood Frequency and Mixed Populations in the Western United States.” Congratulations, Nancy! (November 2018)
Arianna Miniussi is a visiting PhD student from the University of Padua. Welcome, Arianna! (August 2018)
Vittal Hari has joined my group as a post-doc through the “Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship” Program. Welcome, Vittal! (August 2018)
William Veatch has joined my research group. Welcome, Will! (August 2018)
Executive MBA — Gabriele Villarini completed the Executive MBA program from the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa. (May 2018)
Certificate in Leadership — Gabriele Villarini received the Certificate in Leadership from the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa. (May 2018)
IIHR Director — Gabriele Villarini is the new Director of IIHR–Hydroscience & Engineering. (February 2018)
IIHR Interim Director — Gabriele Villarini is the new Interim Director of IIHR – Hydroscience & Engineering. (August 2017)
Alex Morrison has joined my research group. Welcome, Alex! (August 2017)
Zhiqi Yang has joined my research group. Welcome, Zhiqi! (August 2017)
Jessica Ayers has joined my research group. Welcome, Jessi! (June 2017)
Water Young Investigator Award — Gabriele Villarini receives the 2017 Water Young Investigator Award awarded by Water. (April 2017)
Manuel F. Ríos Gaona has joined my research group. Welcome, Manuel! (December 2016)
Wei Zhang promoted to Assistant Research Scientist. Congratulations, Wei! (December 2016)
James B. Macelwane Medal — Gabriele Villarini receives the prestigious James B. Macelwane Medal from the American Geophysical Union during the Honors Ceremony in San Francisco. (December 2016)
IIHR Associate Director — Gabriele Villarini is the new Associate Director of IIHR – Hydroscience & Engineering. (December 2016)
PhD Defense — Munir Nayak successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, “Heavy Rainfall and Flooding Associated with Atmospheric Rivers over the Central United States.” Congratulations, Munir! (November 2016)
Nancy Barth passed her Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam — Congratulations, Nancy! (October 2016)
National Science Foundation Research Traineeship — The University of Iowa has received a five-year, $3 million National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) grant to develop a Sustainable Water Development. (September 2016)
James B. Macelwane Medal — Gabriele Villarini was awarded the prestigious James B. Macelwane Medal from the American Geophysical Union. (August 2016)
Ph.D. Defense — Iman Mallakpour successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis, “The Tale of Flooding over the Central United States.” Congratulations, Iman! (July 2016)
Wei Zhang has joined my research group — Welcome, Wei! (July 2016)
Evan Cunningham — Evan Cunningham is an undergraduate student from Grinnell College working with me for eight weeks. Welcome, Evan! (June 2016)
M.S. Defense — Beda Luitel successfully defended his M.S. thesis, “Prediction of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity and Rainfall.” Congratulations, Beda! (May 2016)
Associate Professor — Gabriele Villarini has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure. (April 2016)
Executive MBA — Gabriele Villarini has been admitted to the Executive MBA program at the University of Iowa starting in August 2016. (April 2016)
Director of Graduate Studies — As of 1 July 2016, Gabriele Villarini will act as Director of Graduate Studies for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. (February 2016)
Iman Mallakpour received a Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Award — Congratulations, Iman! (October 2015)
Munir Nayak and Iman Mallakpour passed their Ph.D. Comprehensive Exams — Congratulations, Munir and Iman! (August 2015)
Yog Aryal has joined my research group — Welcome, Yog! (August 2015)
Alan Black has joined my research group — Welcome, Alan! (August 2015)
Louise Slater and Abdou Khouakhi have joined my research group — Welcome, Louise and Abdou! (July 2015)
Kaustubh Salvi has joined my research group — Welcome, Kaustubh! (April 2015)
Advances in Water Resources — Villarini is an Associate Editor for Advances in Water Resources. (March 2015)
S.K. Nanda Scholarship — Munir Nayak receives the 2015 S.K. Nanda Scholarship. (February 2015)
Nancy Barth has joined my research group — Welcome, Nancy! (January 2015)
NASA Fellowship — Munir Nayak receives the 2014 NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship for his project, titled “Remote-Sensing Based Characterization of Rainfall Associated with Atmospheric Rivers.” (April 2014)
NSF CAREER AWARD — Villarini receives the NSF CAREER Award for his proposal, “CAREER: Temporal Clustering of Hydrometeorological Extremes.” (April 2014)
Gregory Karlovits has joined my research group — Welcome, Greg! (April 2014)
Journal of Climate — Villarini is an Associate Editor for Journal of Climate. (April 2014)
Villarini Honored by AMS — The American Meteorological Society (AMS) has selected Gabriele Villarini for the “2014 Editor’s Award – Journal of Climate.” The citation reads, “For thorough, prompt, and fair reviews on topics addressing the interface between water, statistics, and climate.” Villarini received his award at the 2014 AMS Conference in Atlanta in February 2014. (October 2013)
Munir Nayak has joined my research group — Welcome, Munir! (August 2013)
Beda Luitel has joined my research group — Welcome, Beda! (June 2013)
Villarini Honored by EGU — The European Geosciences Union (EGU) has presented Gabriele Villarini with the 2013 Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award in the area of Hydrological Sciences. The EGU honored eight individuals with Outstanding Young Scientist Awards for their important contributions to the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. Villarini received his prize at the 2013 EGU General Assembly in Vienna in April 2013. The citation reads, “For innovative studies in the field of remote sensing of rainfall, flood prediction, and hydroclimatological trend analysis.” (April 2013)
Villarini Honored — Gabriele Villarini traveled to Italy to receive the “Premio Evangelista Torricelli” award, which is presented every two years by the Gruppo Italiano di Idraulica (Italian Group of Hydraulics) to the best young (under 34) Italian researchers in hydraulics and hydrology. Villarini presented a lecture titled “Eventi estremi e cambiamenti climatici” (“Extreme events and climate change”). The citation reads, “Per la vasta produzione scientifica caratterizzata da importanti contributi nel settore dell’idrometeorologia e della previsione delle piene.” (“For the vast scientific production characterized by important contributions in the field of hydrometeorology and flood prediction”). (September 2012)